The Gerontologist, Vol 34, Issue 5 628-639, Copyright © 1994 by The Gerontological Society of America
N Ikegami, BE Fries, Y Takagi, S Ikeda and T Ibe
Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
A U.S. nursing home case-mix system, Resource Utilization Group, Version III (RUG-III), was tested in a variety of Japanese long-term care facilities. Staff time and resident characteristics were measured for a sample of 871 patients. Acceptable reliability was found for items defining RUG-III, and the system explained 44% of the variance in wage-weighted staff time (cost). Also, Japanese and U.S. costs had similar patterns across RUG-III categories. However, there was wide discrepancy between the stated purpose of Japanese facilities and their patient populations, and the current payment mechanism did not reflect actual use of resources.
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