The Gerontologist, Vol 35, Issue 1 52-60, Copyright © 1995 by The Gerontological Society of America
JW Gladstone
School of Social Work, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The focus of this study is on the way that older married persons living, or having a spouse living, in a long-term care institution perceive their marriages following relocation. A qualitative analysis of 161 interviews was conducted. For noninstitutionalized spouses (n = 74), four themes emerged from the data--"marriage as a memory," the "illusory marriage," the "changed marriage," and the "continuing marriage." For institutionalized spouses (n = 87), three themes emerged, including the "happy marriage," the "detached marriage," and the "altered marriage." Relocation did not appear to have a direct impact on the way respondents perceived their marriages. Continuity theory was helpful in understanding these marital perceptions.
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