The Gerontologist
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Contents: Volume 14, Number 5, October 1974   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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Longevity in Turkey
S Beller and E Palmore
Gerontologist 1974 14: 373-376.  

Will the human life-span reach one hundred?
V Kyucharyants
Gerontologist 1974 14: 377-380.  

Caucasus and Altay longevity: a biological or social problem?
ZA Medvedev
Gerontologist 1974 14: 381-387.  

Integrated homemaking services for the aged in urban neighborhoods
WE Berg, L Atlas, and J Zeiger
Gerontologist 1974 14: 388-393.  

Problems in development of a community action program for the elderly
LE Blonsky
Gerontologist 1974 14: 394-401.  

A survey of hearing loss in a older age hospital population
TN Decker
Gerontologist 1974 14: 402-403.  

An outreach program of medical care for aged high-rise residents
FK Garetz and PR Peth
Gerontologist 1974 14: 404-407.  

Life course of patients discharged from two nursing homes
DB Miller, A Jacobs, and SS Woodruff
Gerontologist 1974 14: 408-413.  

Cost-effective analysis. A quandary for geriatric health care systems
PG Weiler
Gerontologist 1974 14: 414-417.  

Work after retirement. An investigation into some psychologically relevant variables
GG Fillenbaum and GL Maddox
Gerontologist 1974 14: 418-424.  

Predictors of voluntaristic intent among the aged. An area study
A Monk and AG Cryns
Gerontologist 1974 14: 425-429.  

Beer: a social facilitator for PMI patients?
RH Burrill, JF McCourt, and HS Cutter
Gerontologist 1974 14: 430-431.  

Positive education for elderly persons. Correct eating through reinforcement
OG Geiger and LA Johnson
Gerontologist 1974 14: 432-436.  

Clothing--common denominator between the young and the old
AM Hoffman and IM Bader
Gerontologist 1974 14: 437-439.  

Group work with the aging. An issue for social work education
NS Mayadas and DL Hink
Gerontologist 1974 14: 440-445.  

Group psychotherapy in a proprietary nursing home
SR Saul and S Saul
Gerontologist 1974 14: 446-450.  

Remotivation as behavior therapy
CT Toepfer, AT Bicknell, and DO Shaw
Gerontologist 1974 14: 451-453.  

Biomedical gerontology. Current theories of biological aging
L Hayflick
Gerontologist 1974 14: 454.  

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All GSA journals Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Copyright © 2004 by The Gerontological Society of America.