The Gerontologist
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Contents: Volume 15, Number 2, April 1975   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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Gerontologist 1975 15: 98.  

Gerontologist 1975 15: 98.  

Editorial: Discontent with contentment scales
M Bloom
Gerontologist 1975 15: 99.  

Mobile medical care to the elderly: an evaluation
BD Bell
Gerontologist 1975 15: 100-103.  

The post-transfer fate of relocated mental patients in New York
EW Markson and JH Cumming
Gerontologist 1975 15: 104-108.  

The case for geriatric day hospitals
DR Matlack
Gerontologist 1975 15: 109-113.  

The development of a community-based program for evaluating the impaired older adult
LE Leonard and AM Kelly
Gerontologist 1975 15: 114-118.  

Mental Health in Nursing Homes Training Project 1972-1973
EB Goldman and P Woog
Gerontologist 1975 15: 119-124.  

Psychiatric consultation in a nursing home: a two-year experience
LE Freedberg and CS Altman
Gerontologist 1975 15: 125-128.  

Continued growth and life satisfaction
JJ Kurtz and S Wolk
Gerontologist 1975 15: 129-131.  

Treatment of depression in persons residing in homes for the aged
CA Power and LT McCarron
Gerontologist 1975 15: 132-135.  

The reluctant therapist 1975
R Garfinkel
Gerontologist 1975 15: 136-137.  

Milieu therapy with psychiatric-medically infirm patients
RA Steer and WP Boger
Gerontologist 1975 15: 138-141.  

On multiple realities and reality orientation
JF Gubrium and M Ksander
Gerontologist 1975 15: 142-145.  

A patient-determined approach to geriatric activity programming within a state hospital
S Lewis
Gerontologist 1975 15: 146-149.  

Spatial proximity, interpersonal conflict, and friendship formation in the intermediate-care facility
DC Jones
Gerontologist 1975 15: 150-154.  

Transportation and changes in life satisfaction
SJ Cutler
Gerontologist 1975 15: 155-159.  

Life disruption, independence, satisfaction, and the consideration of moving
LM Nelson and M Winter
Gerontologist 1975 15: 160-164.  

Undergraduate nursing students and their experience in gerontology
G Safier
Gerontologist 1975 15: 165-169.  

Needs felt by the clergy for ministries to the aging
DO Moberg
Gerontologist 1975 15: 170-175.  

Dimensions of widowhood in later life
RC Atchley
Gerontologist 1975 15: 176-178.  

Pre-retirement counseling: characteristics of programs and preferences of retirees
NC Kalt and MH Kohn
Gerontologist 1975 15: 179-181.  

Effects of an exercise program on selected flexibility measurements of senior citizens
GA Frekany and DK Leslie
Gerontologist 1975 15: 182-183.  

Too young, too old--age in the world of television
HC Northcott
Gerontologist 1975 15: 184-186.  

To see an article, click its [Full Text] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link.

All GSA journals Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Copyright © 2004 by The Gerontological Society of America.