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Contents: Volume 18, Number 2, April 1978   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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The Donald P. Kent Award Lecture: What about our responsibility toward the abandoned elderly?
WT Donahue
Gerontologist 1978 18: 102-111.  

1976 Robert W. Kleemeier Award Lecture: Longevity, aging, and death: an evolutionary perspective
GA Sacher
Gerontologist 1978 18: 112-119.  

Community housing for the elderly: the program, the people, the decision-making process, and the research
EM Brody
Gerontologist 1978 18: 121-128.  

Short-range effects of community housing
MH Kleban and P Turner-Massey
Gerontologist 1978 18: 129-132.  

The relationships of environmental factors to changes in well-being
MP Lawton, EM Brody, and P Turner-Massey
Gerontologist 1978 18: 133-137.  

Implications of community housing for planning and policy
B Liebowitz
Gerontologist 1978 18: 138-143.  

Planning assisted independent living programs for the semi-independent elderly: development of a descriptive model
LF Heumann
Gerontologist 1978 18: 145-152.  

On-site coordinated services in age-segregated and age-integrated public housing
Z Harel and BB Harel
Gerontologist 1978 18: 153-158.  

Administering long-term care services: decision-making perspective
HL Smith, R Discenza, and BO Saxberg
Gerontologist 1978 18: 159-166.  

The differential effects of relocation on nursing home patients
CJ Pino, LM Rosica, and TJ Carter
Gerontologist 1978 18: 167-172.  

Reaction to induced early retirement
D Kell and CV Patton
Gerontologist 1978 18: 173-179.  

Images of old age in poetry
M Sohngen and RJ Smith
Gerontologist 1978 18: 181-186.  

The aging as portrayed in realistic fiction for children 1945-1975
GF Blue
Gerontologist 1978 18: 187-192.  

Correlates of senior center participation
AM Hanssen, NJ Meima, LM Buckspan, BE Henderson, TL Helbig, and SH Zarit
Gerontologist 1978 18: 193-199.  

Comparative group psychotherapy for the aged
B Ingersoll and A Silverman
Gerontologist 1978 18: 201-206.  

The transportation needs of the elderly in a large urban environment
FW Stirner
Gerontologist 1978 18: 207-211.  

Note: criminal behavior among the elderly
D Schichor and S Kobrin
Gerontologist 1978 18: 213-218.  

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All GSA journals Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Copyright © 2004 by The Gerontological Society of America.