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Contents: Volume 22, Number 2, April 1982   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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Three perspectives on the 1981 White House Conference on Aging. Education
HR Johnson
Gerontologist 1982 22: 125-126.  

Three perspectives on the 1981 White House Conference on Aging. Research
GL Maddox
Gerontologist 1982 22: 126-127.  

Three perspectives on the 1981 White House Conference on Aging. Services
J Kaplan
Gerontologist 1982 22: 127-128.  

Federal expenditures for the elderly: a different interpretation of the past
K Judge
Gerontologist 1982 22: 129-133.  

Geriatric medicine and the nursing home: a mechanism for mutual excellence
LS Libow
Gerontologist 1982 22: 134-141.  

Symposium: population research for planning and practice
CF Longino, Jr
Gerontologist 1982 22: 142-143.  

The 1980 census and the elderly: new data available to planners and practitioners
JS Siegel and CM Taeuber
Gerontologist 1982 22: 144-150.  

Macro- and microlevel aging service planning and the 1980 census
GT Deimling
Gerontologist 1982 22: 151-152.  

The impact of population redistribution on service delivery
CF Longino, Jr and JC Biggar
Gerontologist 1982 22: 153-159.  

The impact of seasonal population fluctuations on service delivery
DJ Monahan and VL Greene
Gerontologist 1982 22: 160-163.  

Aging population research: suggestions for a model data system for service planning
RA Harootyan
Gerontologist 1982 22: 164-169.  

Temporal and age variation of United States black/white cause-specific mortality differentials: a study of the recent changes in the relative health status of the United States black population
KG Manton
Gerontologist 1982 22: 170-179.  

Criteria for the diagnosis of dementia in the community elderly
BJ Gurland, LL Dean, J Copeland, R Gurland, and R Golden
Gerontologist 1982 22: 180-186.  

Retired and employed elderly persons: their utilization of health care services
E Shapiro and NP Roos
Gerontologist 1982 22: 187-193.  

The ombudsman volunteer in the nursing home: differential role perceptions of patient representatives for the institutionalized aged
A Monk and LW Kaye
Gerontologist 1982 22: 194-199.  

Families versus institutions: incongruent role expectations in the nursing home
GE Shuttlesworth, A Rubin, and M Duffy
Gerontologist 1982 22: 200-208.  

Successful aging: a developmental approach
CD Ryff
Gerontologist 1982 22: 209-214.  

The professionalization of gerontology
IS Hirschfield and DA Peterson
Gerontologist 1982 22: 215-220.  

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All GSA journals Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Copyright © 2004 by The Gerontological Society of America.