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Contents: Volume 22, Number 4, August 1982   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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Measured inflation and the elderly, 1973 to 1981
PL Grimaldi
Gerontologist 1982 22: 347-353.  

Religiosity in an older black population
MA Heisel and AO Faulkner
Gerontologist 1982 22: 354-358.  

The transcendent standard: the religious ethos of the rural elderly
V Tellis-Nayak
Gerontologist 1982 22: 359-361.  

Participation motives of older adults in higher education: the Elderhostel experience
JG Romaniuk and M Romaniuk
Gerontologist 1982 22: 364-368.  

Facts on aging: an Australian validation
MA Luszcz
Gerontologist 1982 22: 369-372.  

Memory training for severe memory loss: effects on senile dementia patients and their families
SH Zarit, JM Zarit, and KE Reever
Gerontologist 1982 22: 373-377.  

Two successful interventions in nursing homes: the therapeutic effects of cognitive activity
P Beck
Gerontologist 1982 22: 378-383.  

Aging and its relationship to health knowledge and medication compliance
LE Klein, PS German, SJ McPhee, CR Smith, and DM Levine
Gerontologist 1982 22: 384-387.  

Fear of crime among the elderly: the role of crime prevention programs
L Norton and M Courlander
Gerontologist 1982 22: 388-393.  

Groups with relatives of dependent older adults
ME Hartford and R Parsons
Gerontologist 1982 22: 394-398.  

Congregate housing for the elderly: thirteen years later
P Ehrlich, I Ehrlich, and P Woehlke
Gerontologist 1982 22: 399-403.  

Deinstitutionalizing nursing home patients: potential versus impediments
S Allison-Cooke
Gerontologist 1982 22: 404-408.  

The effects of varying degrees of interinstitutional environmental change on long-term care patients
JH Borup
Gerontologist 1982 22: 409-417.  

The impact of visitation on patient well-being in nursing homes
VL Greene and DJ Monahan
Gerontologist 1982 22: 418-423.  

Frequency of visitation in nursing homes: patterns of contact across the boundaries of total institutions
WF Hook, J Sobal, and JC Oak
Gerontologist 1982 22: 424-428.  

The relationship of ownership and size to quality of care in Wisconsin nursing homes
R Riportella-Muller and DP Slesinger
Gerontologist 1982 22: 429-434.  

Occupation as a motivating factor in retirement migration: an extreme case study
DL Burley
Gerontologist 1982 22: 435-437.  

A new index for measuring demographic aging
T Kii
Gerontologist 1982 22: 438-442.  

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All GSA journals Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Copyright © 2004 by The Gerontological Society of America.