The Gerontologist
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Contents: Volume 29, Number 6, December 1989   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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Human capitalism and intergenerational justice
VL Greene
Gerontologist 1989 29: 723-724.  


Variations in care planning practice in the social/HMO: an exploratory study
R Abrahams, J Capitman, W Leutz, and P Macko
Gerontologist 1989 29: 725-736. [Abstract]  

Case management for frail elders: the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Program for Hospital Initiatives in Long-Term Care
M MacAdam, J Capitman, D Yee, J Prottas, W Leutz, and D Westwater
Gerontologist 1989 29: 737-744. [Abstract]  

Comparing the economically advantaged and the pension elite: 1980 census profiles
CS Kart, CF Longino, and SG Ullmann
Gerontologist 1989 29: 745-749. [Abstract]  

The social construction of retirement among professionals 50-60 years old
DA Karp
Gerontologist 1989 29: 750-760. [Abstract]  

The structure of simple reminiscence
SB Merriam
Gerontologist 1989 29: 761-767. [Abstract]  

A controlled evaluation of reminiscence and current topics discussion groups in a nursing home context
C Rattenbury and MJ Stones
Gerontologist 1989 29: 768-771. [Abstract]  

No great expectations: the underpinnings of life satisfaction for older women
LB Bearon
Gerontologist 1989 29: 772-778. [Abstract]  

Co-residence with adult children: a comparison of divorced and widowed women
TM Cooney
Gerontologist 1989 29: 779-784. [Abstract]  

Proximity as a mediating influence on the perceived aging parent-adult child relationship
JM Mercier, L Paulson, and EW Morris
Gerontologist 1989 29: 785-791. [Abstract]  

Autonomy and decision making between single older women and their caregiving daughters
CC Pratt, LL Jones, HY Shin, and AJ Walker
Gerontologist 1989 29: 792-797. [Abstract]  

Application of a multidimensional caregiver burden inventory
M Novak and C Guest
Gerontologist 1989 29: 798-803. [Abstract]  

Mental status as a predictor of daily function in progressive dementia
BR Reed, WJ Jagust, and JP Seab
Gerontologist 1989 29: 804-807. [Abstract]  

Concordance between physicians and their older and younger patients in the primary care medical encounter
MG Greene, RD Adelman, R Charon, and E Friedmann
Gerontologist 1989 29: 808-813. [Abstract]  

Differences in the household composition of elders by age, gender, and area of residence
RT Coward, SJ Cutler, and FE Schmidt
Gerontologist 1989 29: 814-821. [Abstract]  

Taking the clinic to the clients: geriatric health care in a residential setting
CL Morris and EB Dexter
Gerontologist 1989 29: 822-825. [Abstract]  

Tenant resource coordinators: an experiment in supportive housing
A Blandford, N Chappell, and S Marshall
Gerontologist 1989 29: 826-829. [Abstract]  

Family-professional partnerships for addressing Alzheimer's disease
NM Silverstein, JG Gonyea, and NR King
Gerontologist 1989 29: 830-834. [Abstract]  

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All GSA journals Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Copyright © 2004 by The Gerontological Society of America.