The Gerontologist
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Contents: Volume 7, Number 2, June 1967   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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Research problems with reference to treatment programs for the elderly
IM Hulicka
Gerontologist 1967 7: 3-12.  

Prophylactic psychopharmacology and age-correlated intellectual changes
AE Edwards
Gerontologist 1967 7: 20-22.  

Personality and social psychology in the study of aging
RW Bortner
Gerontologist 1967 7: 23-36.  

Assessment of higher mental functions in the aged: proposals for research
J Blumenkrantz
Gerontologist 1967 7: 55-60.  

Research in learning
RE Canestrari, Jr
Gerontologist 1967 7: 61-66.  

Psychophysiological aging
LF Jakubczak
Gerontologist 1967 7: 67-72.  

Viewpoint: geriatric cardiac rehabilitation
R Harris
Gerontologist 1967 7: 82.  

Aged status and generational phenomena: the new old people in contemporary America
LD Cain, Jr
Gerontologist 1967 7: 83-92.  

Necrology and biological gerontology
H Sobel
Gerontologist 1967 7: 93-96.  

The mental life of dying geriatric patients
R Kastenbaum
Gerontologist 1967 7: 97-100.  

Environmental change and the aging individual
M Blenkner
Gerontologist 1967 7: 101-105.  

The impact of environment on old people
FM Carp
Gerontologist 1967 7: 106-108.  

Roadblocks in grip work practice with older people: a framework for analysis
L Lowy
Gerontologist 1967 7: 109-113.  

Professional perspectives on the aged
RM Coe
Gerontologist 1967 7: 114-119.  

Social and psychological correlates of residual memory in centenarians
BB Beard
Gerontologist 1967 7: 120-124.  

An examination of the effects of perceptual frames of reference in interviewing older respondents
CT Pihlblad, HA Rosencranz, and TE McNevin
Gerontologist 1967 7: 125-127.  

Age changes and age differences
KW Schaie
Gerontologist 1967 7: 128-132.  

La Salpetriere: an early home for elderly psychiatric patients
M Hader and HA Seltzer
Gerontologist 1967 7: 133-135.  


Research problems and concepts in the study of aging: assessment and behavior modification
D Cohen
Gerontologist 1967 7: 13-19.  

A utility theory of old age
RM Hamlin
Gerontologist 1967 7: 37-45.  

Age changes and age differences in memory functioning
IM Hulicka
Gerontologist 1967 7: 46-54.  

Perception and age
PE Comalli, Jr
Gerontologist 1967 7: 73-77.  

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All GSA journals Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Copyright © 2004 by The Gerontological Society of America.