The Gerontologist
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Contents: Volume 8, Number 2, June 1968   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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Prejudice and gerontology
EW Busse
Gerontologist 1968 8: 66.  

A social-psychological perspective on aging
RJ Havighurst
Gerontologist 1968 8: 67-71.  

Problems in communication to nurses among residents of a racially heterogeneous nursing home
C Weinstock and R Bennett
Gerontologist 1968 8: 72-75.  

Ecology and gerontology: an introduction
AH Lawton and TA Rich
Gerontologist 1968 8: 76-77.  

Ecology as gerontology
JC Briggs
Gerontologist 1968 8: 78-79.  

Ecology and aging
LE Duncan, Jr
Gerontologist 1968 8: 80-83.  

Ecology of aging and of the aging process--biological parameters
CH Barrows, Jr
Gerontologist 1968 8: 84-87.  

The ecology of the aging process and of the aging human--medical care parameters
JF Conner
Gerontologist 1968 8: 88-93.  

The sociological parameters in the ecology of the aging process and of the aging human
RE Albrecht
Gerontologist 1968 8: 94-99.  

Economic parameters that are fundamental in the ecology of the aging human
CC Osterbind
Gerontologist 1968 8: 100-103.  

Ecology and the process of aging: a social work perspective on parameters
DL Levine
Gerontologist 1968 8: 104-107.  

The ecology of social relationships in housing for the elderly
MP Lawton and B Simon
Gerontologist 1968 8: 108-115.  

Ecological psychology and aging
TA Rich
Gerontologist 1968 8: 116-119.  

Characteristics of the geriatric person
AH Lawton
Gerontologist 1968 8: 120-123.  

The biological aspects of aging
M Rockstein
Gerontologist 1968 8: 124-125.  

Insight and progress in the psychology of aging
JE Birren
Gerontologist 1968 8: 126-128.  

Advances in medical science
EW Busse
Gerontologist 1968 8: 129-130.  

Some social aspects of gerontology
C Tibbitts
Gerontologist 1968 8: 131-133.  

In memoriam
HP Simms
Gerontologist 1968 8: 137.  

In memoriam
RJ Havighurst
Gerontologist 1968 8: 138-139.  

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All GSA journals Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Copyright © 2004 by The Gerontological Society of America.