The Gerontologist
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Contents: Volume 22, Number 1, February 1982   [Index by Author]       Other Issues:  
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Aged appearance and behavior: a further comment
PR Forbus
Gerontologist 1982 22: 5-7.  

Perceiving needs by staff and elderly clients: a critique and a suggestion
D Churchman
Gerontologist 1982 22: 7-8.  

A role for Title XX in the aging network
G Nelson
Gerontologist 1982 22: 18-25.  

Participation of the elderly in a transportation system
SH Matthews
Gerontologist 1982 22: 26-31.  

Phone therapy outreach for blind elderly
RL Evans and BM Jaureguy
Gerontologist 1982 22: 32-35.  

Reading abilities of elderly persons in relation to the difficulty of essential documents
SA Walmsley and RL Allington
Gerontologist 1982 22: 36-38.  

The nursing home scoring system: a policy analysis
B Becker
Gerontologist 1982 22: 39-44.  

Physician visits to nursing homes
JB Mitchell
Gerontologist 1982 22: 45-48.  

Participation in nursing home resident councils: promise and practice
M Devitt and B Checkoway
Gerontologist 1982 22: 49-53.  

Impact of institutional care policies on family integration
RJ Montgomery
Gerontologist 1982 22: 54-58.  

Grandparenthood: an overview of meaning and mental health
HQ Kivnick
Gerontologist 1982 22: 59-66.  

The legal rights of grandparents: a preliminary discussion
KB Wilson and MR DeShane
Gerontologist 1982 22: 67-71.  

Research and the frail elderly: ethical and methodological issues in controlled social experiments
CL Yordi, AS Chu, KM Ross, and SJ Wong
Gerontologist 1982 22: 72-77.  

Alternatives to the face-to-face interview for collecting gerontological needs assessment data
RM Leinbach
Gerontologist 1982 22: 78-82.  

Newspaper presentation of America's aged: a content analysis of image and role
M Buchholz and JE Bynum
Gerontologist 1982 22: 83-88.  

When priests retire
MA Kaiser, GR Peters, and N Babchuk
Gerontologist 1982 22: 89-94.  

The congruence between actual and desired use of time by older adults: a predictor of life satisfaction
DR Seleen
Gerontologist 1982 22: 95-99.  

Situational influences on the morale of older rural adults in child- shared housing: a comparative analysis
VR Kivett and RM Learner
Gerontologist 1982 22: 100-106.  

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All GSA journals Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Copyright © 2004 by The Gerontological Society of America.